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Merlin Robbed!

Well the herding group was finally presented at the dog show and the Border Collie, Merlin, came in second! To an Old English Sheepdog! I could hardly believe it, I was in such shock! I mean, look at this picture of Merlin.

And look at this sketch of the perfect Border Collie on the AKC web site.

Is it just me or do they look like the exact same dog?! I mean, how can you not pick Merlin as the best herding dog? How?! Inquiring border collies want to know!

Well at least I can take solace in the fact that the stupid Old English Sheepdog lost to some Bloodhound named Knotty for Best in Show. Stupid Bloodhound. You put that Knotty and Merlin in an agility competiion and we'll see who's best in show. Merlin will kick his wrinkly butt all up and down the course.