Hershey & Frosty Paws

On Saturday Amy and I took a long walk along Kingstowne Village Parkway. Halfway through our walk I met a Chow-mix named Hershey and we played for a bit. She told me about something called snow. She loves it and said it's the best thing ever. She said in the upcoming months we might be getting some and to get ready. The Bills won again on Sunday! Hooray! I was so excited, I ran around laps around the living room.

I also got to eat my favorite thing ever...Frosty Paws. They are just...the greatest things. I love them. They're in the my top 10. Let's see, what else is in my top 10? Amy and then David. Pigs ears, I love those too. My frisbee and my tennis balls. Playing with other dogs (except for the ones that bark and growl at me). Meeting new people. Sleeping on the couch in the living room and on the futon in the 2nd bedroom (Of course I can't do it for very long because either David or Amy see me and start freaking out and yell at me to get off).

Chewing on the furniture! How can I forget that? I love that (they like to yell at me for doing that too). Oh and finding the one little string sticking out of the carpet or rug and pulling it up and up and up (I usually get yelled at for doing that too).