This is me and my Tree Loot Monkey.
This morning when Amy came out of the bathroom I was sitting on the futon in the backroom with him. Amy thought it was really cute cause I was licking him, like I was cleaning him. But little did she know...
See this is a close up of my monkey, looks fine right?
And this is a picture of him from the left side, still looking pretty good.
But aha! Here is his right side! That's right! I was sitting there nicely licking him when I noticed this ear in my way. I thought it seemed mighty odd for a monkey to have an ear right there. So, as any other dog would do in a similar situation, I decided it just had to go.
When Amy came over as I was licking him I tried to be calm and collected, but I guess I looked a bit suspicious with my shifty eyes.
She saw what I did, and took him away. I swear, she's always ruining my fun!