Sporting Toys
Amy started her new job this past week so I had to go back to being home alone during the day :o( I am still adjusting, but luckily I have three new toys that have made the time in the evenings more fun. Last week Amy's sister, Vicki, bought me some new toys as a late Christmas present. As soon as Amy put them on the floor, I couldn't stop chasing them around the living room! They're made so that I can grab them easily and they're great!
Here's me and my basketball.
Me and my soccer ball.
And David's favorite, me and my football.
I used to have tennis balls too...but I kept on popping them. Of course if Amy would've stopped buying cheapie ones from the dollar store, maybe I wouldn't have popped them all. I don't think I'll be able to pop these new sports toys though...but don't worry, I'll try.